

 MinPlayers: 4 #Minimum amount of players to start the event (Suggested 4 or more)

 #Default tp location

 World: "world"

 X: 0

 Y: 100

 Z: 0


   Kill: true #If enabled, if you player did not place a beacon, they will die.


   Time: 180 #3 minutes

   Invisibility_Time: 180 #1 minute

   #Announces when the grace period ends (Peridiocally)


     - 180

     - 120

     - 60

     - 30

     - 10

     - 5

     - 4

     - 3

     - 2

     - 1

 Game_Time: #Duration of the event (total time)

   Time: 1080 #18 minutes (15 minutes + 3 minutes grace period)

   #Announces when the event ends (Peridiocally)


     - 900

     - 600

     - 300

     - 60

     - 30

     - 10

     - 5

     - 4

     - 3

     - 2

     - 1

   Tp: #Location to teleport players to finish the event in a ffa

     World: "world"

     X: 0

     Y: 100

     Z: 0


 Enabled: true

 Time: 1800 #30 minutes - Duration of when it runs the commands


   - 1800

   - 1200

   - 600

   - 300

   - 60

   - 30

   - 10

   - 5

   - 4

   - 3

   - 2

   - 1


   #Update say to the broadcast command for your server!


     - "say %prefix% &a30 minutes left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say %prefix% &a20 minutes left!"

     - "say Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say ------------------------------------"

     - "say %prefix% &a10 minutes left!"

     - "say Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"

     - "say ------------------------------------"


     - "say %prefix% &a5 minutes left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say %prefix% &a1 minute left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say %prefix% &a30 seconds left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say %prefix% &a10 seconds left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say %prefix% &a5 seconds left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say %prefix% &a4 seconds left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say %prefix% &a3 seconds left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say %prefix% &a2 seconds left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


     - "say %prefix% &a1 second left! Use &f/hoh join &ato join the event!"


 World: "world"

 X: 0

 Y: 100

 Z: 0


 Item_Name: "&f%player%'s &9Beacon"


   - "&f%player%'s &9Beacon"

   - ""

   - "&aGood Luck!"


 Prefix: "&8[&9HideOrHunt&8]"


   already_started: "%prefix% &cThe event has already started!"

   amount_in_event: "%prefix% &cThere are currently %amount% players in the event!"

   no_permission: "%prefix% &cYou do not have permission to do that!"

   not_enough_players: "%prefix% &cThere are not enough players to start the event!"

   amount_in_event_beacon: "%prefix% &cThere are currently %amount% players in the event!"

   list_beacon: "%prefix% &8[&aBeacon&8] &f%player%"

   list_no_beacon: "%prefix% &8[&cBeacon&8] &f%player%"


   admin_join: "%prefix% &a%player% has joined the event!"

   admin_leave: "%prefix% &c%player% has left the event!"

   join: "%prefix% &aYou have joined the event!"

   leave: "%prefix% &cYou have left the event!"

   not_joined: "%prefix% &cYou have not joined the event!"

   already_joined: "%prefix% &cYou have already joined the event!"

   already_started: "%prefix% &cThe event has already started!"

   not_player: "%prefix% &4You must be a &fplayer &4to join/leave the event"

   start: "%prefix% &aThe event has started!"

   grace_period_end_in_minutes: "%prefix% &cThe grace period will end in %minutes% minutes and %seconds% seconds!"

   grace_period_end_in: "%prefix% &cThe grace period will end in %seconds% seconds!"

   grace_period_end: "%prefix% &cThe grace period has ended!"

   game_period_end_in_minutes: "%prefix% &cThe ffa will start in %minutes% minutes and %seconds% seconds!"

   game_period_end_in: "%prefix% &cThe ffa will start in %seconds% seconds!"

   unknown_command: "%prefix% &cUnknown command!"

   beacon_grace: "%prefix% &cGrace period is still active!"

   beacon_destroyed: "%prefix% &c%player%'s beacon has been destroyed!"

   beacon_destroyed_player: "%prefix% &cYour beacon has been destroyed by %player%!"

   player_kill_beacon: "%prefix% &cYou must destroy %player%'s beacon to kill them!"

   player_kill_no_beacon: "%prefix% &cYou have killed %player%!"

   player_kill_win: "%prefix% &a%player% has won the event!"