Gang Chat

Version: 1.0.5-Beta

This page will display how to use gang Chat! A useful feature in competitive prison!


Know how to edit Yaml (Config Files)

First, you can setup the prefix and if it is enabled by default. Enter config.yml, go down to gangs and you should see a chat section. Here is everything for this feature. 

Now, Check the Default_Value. Here, you can change wether it is enabled or not by default on gang creation. The Prefix is what the player has to type as the first character to type in the chat. I set it as # as default, but you may use ",.' etc. 

For the placeholders, you can customize the format of the gang chat. You could Make it "&7[&8GangChat&7] &cSENDERNAMELOWER &7>> &cMESSAGE

Finally, in chat. Type "(prefix)hey". For me, it will be "#hey"