/prisoncore help - Displays Help Menu
/admin (tab) - Administrator commands, use tab for list
/checkgang {player} - Displays {player}'s gang information
/gm[a,c,s,sp] {player} - Change Gamemode for yourself or {player}
/nv - Enables or Disables Night Vision
/reboot [seconds] - Type "/reboot" for an instant reboot, or add seconds. Will reboot the server.
/reboot status - Displays how many seconds or minutes there are till the server will reboot
/transactions - Displays Transactions, use tab for list
/v - Toggles Vanish
/gang - Displays help menu for Gangs
/gang create <name> - Creates a gang under <name>
/gang disband - Disbands / Deletes the gang
/gang invite <name> - Invites <name> to the gane
/gang join <name> - Join the gang <name> [Not IGN]
/gang kick <name> - Kicks <name> from the gang
/gang invites - Displays your gang invites
/gang chat toggle - Toggles Gang chat
/prisoncore schematic <name> - Transfers <name>.schem from FAWE to PrisonCore
/mine help - Displays the mines help menu
/mine - Opens Mines GUI from the config
/mine tp - Tp's you to the mine you are in
/mine reset - Resets your mine
/mine upgrade - If you meet the requirements, you upgrade your tier.
/multiplier - Displays your multiplier
/multiplier give <name> <multiplier> - Gives <name> a multiplier of <multiplier>
/multiplier set <name> <multiplier> - Sets <name>'s multiplier of <multiplier>
/multiplier save - Saves multiplier in file. Also Auto-Saves on server Shutdown.
/rankup - Makes the player rankup
/ranks - Displays all ranks defined through the config
Ranks (Infinite):
/rankup - Makes the player rankup
/rankupmax - Makes the player rankup to the max they can afford
/tokens - Displays your tokens
/token pay <name> <tokens> - You pay <name> <tokens> amount - Global Command
/token balance <name> - Shows <name>'s tokens
/token give <name> <tokens> - Gives <name> <tokens> amount
/token reset <name> - Sets <name>'s tokens to 0
/token save - Saves tokens in file. Also Auto-Saves on server Shutdown.