Version: 1.0.1-Beta
This page will display how to easily setup mine upgrades. You need to know how to edit config files, with necessary permission for the user.
Know the basics with LuckPerms
Know how to edit Yaml (Config Files)
Knowledge of Minecraft Blocks [Stone, Coal_Block, Diamond_ore]
First, see the default results. Type '/mine' and see what comes up. With this, you can gather what goes on in the default config. You can edit everything in this menu with the 'upgrades.yml' file.
Next, Open up 'upgrades.yml'. First, you will see the GUI part. This will be the main cosmetics part about the gui. This part includes:
Size - Size of the GUI, Make it multiples of 9, so 9, 18,27, 36, 45 [max]
Filler block - If the block isn't in the config below, it will be this block!
Tier block - Customize the block the current, locked and unlocked is. Does not change name. It will be below in the config.
Pages - The pages button name and block [material] can be changed here.
After you edited the size and blocks of the GUI, you can now work on the looks.
Page Number - The contents on this page.
Slot Number - 10:, 11:, 12: are the slot numbers. Edit where the block goes. It could be just middle column, or a whole double chest full.
Type - What type is it, MINE_UPGRADE uses Tier, Scroll down to the end of the yaml to see more types and it's uses. Like Stats.
Tier - What tier this block displays
Display Name - Edit the title of the slot
Material - As stated, don't worry about this. You already customized this above.
Lore - Lore of the item. Edit this to how you like. Change requirements look, Change block look, Add multiple requirements through the tier etc. [See level 8 (Tier 10)]
After you have changed the cosmetics, you can now focus on the Mine size and the block. This part includes:
Tier Number - The number like 1:, 2:. It is the mine tier number.Â
Block - The block inside the mine
Size - The width of the mine, so 5 = 5 long
Height - The height of the mine, so 5 = 5 high
Requirements - What the user requires to upgrade to this tier
Type - What requirement you want to use. Like Permission, Money.
Value - What Permission or amount of money the user requires to upgrade to the tier.