

  Size: 27 #Size of the Inventory

  Filler_Block: GLASS_PANE #If it is not located below, it will use this as a filler.

  #EffectName JavaDocs:


  #Need help? Check or ask in the discord. Check in the website.


    Type: Effects #So the plugin knows what to do.

    Display_Name: "&eSpeed" #What item displays as the name

    Material: SUGAR #What item looks like in gui

    Lore: "&eGives you speed IV" #Lore for displayed item

    EffectName: "Speed" #What effect to give the player

    Multiplier: 4 #Speed 4


    Type: Effects

    Display_Name: "&eHaste"

    Material: GOLDEN_PICKAXE

    Lore: "&eGives you haste III"

    EffectName: "Fast_Digging"

    Multiplier: 3


    Type: Effects

    Display_Name: "&eJump Boost"

    Material: RABBIT_FOOT

    Lore: "&eGives you Jump Boost V"

    EffectName: "Jump"

    Multiplier: 5


    Type: Effects

    Display_Name: "&eInvisibility"

    Material: ENDER_PEARL

    Lore: "&eGives you Invisibility"

    EffectName: "Invisibility"

    Multiplier: 1