

  no_permission: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4No permission! &c - PERMISSION'


  no_feature: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cPlease enter a feature!'

  unknown_feature: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Unknown feature!'

  delete_gangs: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cDeleting all gangs! This may take

    a while!'

  delete_gangs_complete: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Deleted all gangs!'

  delete_gangs_incomplete: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Could not delete all gangs!'

  list_gangs_incomplete: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Could not list all gangs!'

  info_gangs_incomplete: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Could not display info for

    that gang!'

  info_gangs_deleted: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4This gang has been deleted!'

  info_gangs_name: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &fPLAYER''s &agang name: &fGANGNAME'

  give_pickaxe: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou gave &fPLAYER &aa pickaxe!'

  schem_no_args: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Please enter Schematic Name!'

  updated: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou have Updated the configs!'


  exists: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cPlease enter a different &fname&c! &4Gang

    already &fexists&4!'

  no_name: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cPlease enter a &fname&c!'

  created: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aGang &fcreated&a! &f - &6GANGNAME'

  gang_found: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou are already in a &egang&a!'

  gang_not_found: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Please create a &egang&4!'

  invite_no_name: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cPlease enter an &fIGN&c!&f -->

    &a/gang invite <name>'

  invite_offline: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cIGN2 is offline'

  invite_already_in_gang: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cIGN2 is already in a gang'

  invite_already_sent: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou already invited &fIGN2

    &cto your gang'

  invite_sent: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou sent a gang invite to &fIGN2'

  invite_join: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou joined the gang &fGANGNAME'

  invite_receive: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou received a gang invite from


  invite_receive_command: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aTo Join, Use Command &c/&agang

    join GANGNAME'

  invite_show: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cInvites: &fINVITENAME'

  invite_no_gang_name: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cPlease enter the &fgang &cname!'

  invite_no_gang_found: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cGang &fGANGNAME &cnot found.'

  max_members: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou have reached the max amount of

    &fmembers &cfor your gang!'

  disband_not_leader: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou are not the &fLeader&c!'

  disband_deleted: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aGang &fDeleted&a!'

  disband_player: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cGang has been &fDisbanded&c!'

  kick_no_name: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cPlease enter a name!'

  kick_not_leader: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou are not the &fLeader&c!'

  kick_unavailable: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou cannot kick this user!'

  kick_success: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou kicked this user!'

  chat_enable: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aGang Chat Enabled!&f Use &a# &fat

    the start of your message to use gang chat!'

  chat_disable: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cGang Chat Disabled!'

  chat_no_args: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &fUse &a# &fat the start of your message

    to use gang chat!'


  accept: '&eYou ranked up to rank &fNEXTRANKNAME &efor &a$&fRANKPRICE'

  decline: '&cYou do not have enough money to rankup to &fNEXTRANKNAME&c! You need

    &a$&fPLAYERMINUSRANK &cmore!'

  rankup: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou Ranked to level &8LEVEL&a!'

  rankupmax: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou Ranked to level &8LEVEL&a, Gaining

    &8LEVEL &aLevels!'

  norankup: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4You cannot rankup! You need &f$&aMONEY

    &4More to rankup!'


  night_vision_enable: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aNight Vision &fenabled'

  night_vision_disable: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cNight Vision &fdisabled'

  gamemode: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aGamemode changed to &fGAMEMODE'

  gamemode_args: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aGamemode changed to &fGAMEMODE&a

    for &fNAME'

  gamemode_player_offline: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &fNAME &cis Offline!'

  vanish_enable: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aVanish &fEnabled'

  vanish_disable: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cVanish &fDisabled'


  upgrade_successful: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aMine upgraded successfully!'

  upgrade_fail: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou do not meet the requirements!'

  upgrade_fail_money_requirement: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou need &a$&fAMOUNT

    &cmore to Upgrade!'

  upgrade_fail_exp_requirement: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou need &fAMOUNT

    &cmore &fexp &cto Upgrade!'

  upgrade_fail_permission_requirement: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou need Rank

    &fNAME &cto Upgrade!'

  upgrade_top_rank: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou have the top upgrade!'

  reset: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &6GANGNAME&a''s P-Mine &ahas been successfully


  generated: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aMine has been successfully created!'

  tp: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aTeleported to your mine!'

  tp_admin: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cTeleported to &fPLAYER''s &cMine!'

  reset_admin: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cReset &fPLAYER''s &cMine!'


  current: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou have a &fMULTIPLIER&ax Multiplier!'

  give: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou were given a &fMULTIPLIER&ax Multiplier!'

  set: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYour multiplier has been set to a &fMULTIPLIER&ax



  balance: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &eYou have &9AMOUNT &etokens!'

  balance_admin: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &fPLAYER &ehas &9AMOUNT &etokens!'

  give: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou gave &fPLAYER &9AMOUNT &ctokens!'

  given: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aYou were given &9AMOUNT &atokens!'

  reset: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou reset &fPLAYER''s &ctokens!'

  cannot_afford: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4You cannot afford this! &eYou need

    &fPRICE &eTokens'


  max_enchant: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &eYou already have the maximum enchantment


  equip_pickaxe: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cPlease equip your pickaxe!'


  bad_usage: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Wrong usage!'

  no_ign: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Please enter an IGN!'

  unknown_feature: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Unknown Feature!'


  invalid: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4Please enter a number! Or type ''/reboot''

    to reboot now!'

  not_rebooting: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &4The server is not rebooting!'

  status: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &aRebooting in &8TIME&a!'

  stop: '&c&lPrison&8&l-&c&lCore &8&l» &cYou have stopped the reboot!'