Intervals: [1, 2, 3, 10, 30, 60, 300, 600] #Seconds, so every 10, 30 60, 300 and 600 seconds. 600 = 10 Minutes, 300 = 5 Minutes etc
#Make sure the Intervals display here.
Rebooting_Now: "&7The server is now rebooting!"
1: "&7The server is rebooting in 1 second!"
2: "&7The server is rebooting in 2 seconds!"
3: "&7The server is rebooting in 3 seconds!"
10: "&7The server is rebooting in 10 seconds!"
30: "&7The server is rebooting in 30 seconds!"
60: "&7The server is rebooting in 60 seconds!"
300: "&7The server is rebooting in 5 minutes!"
600: "&7The server is rebooting in 10 minutes!"